List of recovery items in EarthBound

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This is a list of recovery items in EarthBound. All food recovery items besides the Brain food lunch will have little effect on Poo. If a condiment is in the character's inventory, the effect of a restorative item may increase.

List of recovery items in EarthBound
Name Japanese HP restored Price Additional effects Where to buy

Bag of fries ポテトフライ
French Fries
24HP Onett, Twoson, Fourside
When eaten, you recover about 24 HP.

Banana バナナ
22HP Burglin Park, Fourside, Scaraba, Deep Darkness
When eaten, you recover about 25 HP.

Bean croquette まめのコロッケ
Bean Croquette
42HP Scaraba
A croquette made with mashed chick peas, then breaded and deep fried. Gen-san in Scaraba loves to cook this. Salt improves it and the olive oil gives it a wonderful flavor. When eaten, you recover about 40 HP.

Beef jerky ほしにく
Beef Jerky
150HP Deep Darkness
Recipe for making jerky. Obtain some type of meat, slice it into pieces about half of an inch thick. Hang the pieces on a laundry line or something like it and leave out in the sun for maybe 6 months... Well, that's what my recipe says. When eaten, you recover about 150 HP.

Boiled egg ゆでたまご
Boiled Egg
42HP Burglin Park, Fourside, Scaraba
When eaten, you recover about 40 HP.

Bowl of rice gruel やぎバターがゆ
Goat Butter Porridge
216HP Dalaam
An everyday dish in Dalaam. When eaten, you recover about 200 HP.

Brain food lunch さとりのべんとう
Lunchbox of Enlightenment
300HP Poo gets a full HP recovery, also recovers 50 PP Dalaam
When eaten, you recover about 300 HP and 50 PP.

Bread roll バターロール
Butter Roll
30HP Onett, Twoson, Burglin Park, Threed, Fourside
When eaten, you recover about 30 HP.

Calorie stick カロリーブロック
Calorie Block
60HP Threed, Grapefruit Falls, Dusty Dunes Desert, Fourside
When eaten, you recover about 60 HP.

Can of fruit juice オレンジジュース
Orange Juice
If you drink this, you recover about 6 HP.

Chef's special シェフのおすすめ
Chef's Special
216HP Summers
This is today's special. It is highly recommended by our chef, who trained at a five-star restaurant in Paris. When eaten, you recover about 200 HP.

Cookie クッキー
When eaten, you recover about 6 HP.

Croissant クロワッサン
60HP Happy Happy Village, Threed, Grapefruit Falls, Fourside
When eaten, you recover about 60 HP.

Cup of coffee コーヒー
If you drink this, you recover about 12 HP. I guess it tastes good to adults.

Cup of noodles カップめん
Cup of Noodles
Deep Darkness
You know what this is... When eaten, you recover about 40 HP.

Double burger ダブルバーガー
Double Burger
96HP Fourside, Dr. Andonuts' Lab
When eaten, you recover about 90 HP. 100% beef.

Fresh egg うみたてたまご
Fresh Egg
84HP After a while, it will hatch into a Chick. Burglin Park, Dr. Andonuts' Lab, Scaraba, Deep Darkness
When eaten, you recover about 80 HP. So fresh, it's still warm!

Hamburger ハンバーガー
48HP Onett, Twoson, Dusty Dunes Desert, Fourside
When eaten, you recover about 50 HP. 100% beef.

Kabob コンガリくしやき
Grilled Kabob
126HP Scaraba
Broiled lamb's liver, etc. all served on a skewer. Sometimes meat other than lamb is included... that's what someone told me... When eaten, you recover about 120 HP.

Kraken soup クラーケンのスープ
Kraken Soup
Completely Replenish your HP Summers
Soup made from the fin of the sea monster known as Kraken. This beast lives in the ocean off the shore of Summers. Very expensive, but a sizable power boost is guaranteed.

Large pizza ピザ(Lサイズ)
Pizza (Large-Sized)
240HP When used, restores HP to entire party Mach Pizza
Since it's a really big pizza, everyone can recover about 240 HP when eaten.

Lucky sandwich ラッキーサンド
Lucky Sandwich
Exact amount depends on your Luck Stat. Happy Happy Village
It helps you recover your power... How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck!

Luxury jerky ゼイタクほしにく
Luxury Jerky
300HP Lost Underworld
A gourmet version of jerky that is considered a delicacy. It is created by a skillful artisan who has been making jerky for over 60 years. Jerky fans consider this the caviar of all jerkys. I understand that they don't dry gourmet jerky on a laundry line... When eaten, you recover about 300 HP.

Mammoth burger マンモスバーガー
Mammoth Burger
205HP Lost Underworld
When eaten, you recover about 200 HP.

Molokheiya soup モロへイヤスープ
Molokheiya Soup
84HP Scaraba
Molokheiya is a summer vegetable from Scaraba. It's high in nutrients, and it has a light flavor that Scarabans love. If you drink this, you recover about 80 HP.

Pasta di Summers サマーズふうパスタ
Summers-styled Pasta
110HP Summers
This is a pasta dish which legend holds was a favorite of King Summers the Third in the 16th century. Back then, there were many great chefs, confident of their culinary skills, always going to and from Summer's Palace. One day, King Summers wife, Anna Summers, said, "Oh what I wouldn't give for some really delicious pasta!" ... ... ... ...Well, let's just leave it at that. The story is too long to go through completely... but it really is a beautiful, touching tale... When eaten, you recover about 110 HP.

Peanut cheese bar アーモンドもなか
Almond Monaka
Saturn Valley
It's one of Mr Saturn's favorite foods. It tastes pretty yummy. When eaten, you recover about 100 HP.

Picnic lunch えんそくランチ
Picnic Lunch
110HP Winters, Dusty Dunes Desert, Dr. Andonuts' Lab, Fourside
When eaten, you recover about 80 HP. There's even a slice of your favorite cake!

Piggy jelly ブタようかん
Pig Yokan
300HP Saturn Valley
It's one of Mr. Saturn's favorite foods. It tastes all right. When eaten, you recover about 300 HP.

Pizza ピザ
Mach Pizza
When eaten, you recover about 120 HP.

Popsicle アイスキャンデー
300HP Dusty Dunes Desert
When eaten, you recover about 18 HP.

Protein drink おとなのドリンク
Adult Drink
80HP Fourside, Scaraba, Deep Darkness
For building a stronger, healthier body. It gives you a blast of nourishment when you are fatigued.

Royal iced tea ロイヤルアイスティー
Royal Iced Tea
60HP Summers
The highest quality tea, produced by tea expert Mr. Y. Todaar, who carefully selects only hand-picked tea leaves. Long ago, only aristocrats at a king's court were allowed to drink this tea. If you drink this, you recover about 60 HP.

Skip sandwich スキップサンド
Skip Sandwich
6HP Your walking speed is greatly boosted for about 10 seconds. Onett, Twoson, Burglin Park, Happy Happy Village, Threed, Dusty Dunes Desert, Fourside
Gives you a spring in your step for about 10 seconds. It also helps you recover your power a bit.

Skip sandwich DX ダブルスキップサンド
Double Skip Sandwich
6HP Your walking speed is greatly boosted for about 20 seconds. Winters, Fourside
Gives you a spring in your step for about 20 seconds. It also helps you recover your power a bit.

Spicy jerky スパイシーほしにく
Spicy Jerky
252HP Tenda Village*
Recipe for making spicy jerky. Obtain some type of meat, slice it into pieces about half of an inch thick. Season the pieces as much as possible, hang the pieces on a laundry line or something like it and leave out in the sun for maybe 8 months... Well, that's what my recipe says... When eaten, you recover about 250 HP.

Trout yogurt いちごとうふ
Strawberry Tofu
30HP Monotoli Building
A fashionable treat for snobby, haute cuisine people in some big cities. When eaten, you recover about 30 HP.
Name Japanese PP restored Price Additional effects Where to buy

Bottle of DXwater たかいみず
Expensive Water
1PP Poo gets about 40PP recovered Scaraba, Deep Darkness, Lost Underworld
Very expensive water, but almost the same as the water you drink in town. It recovers PP a little bit.

Bottle of water みず
1PP Poo gets about 10PP recovered
When you drink it, your PP slightly increases.

Brain food lunch さとりのべんとう
Satori Lunchbox
50PP Poo gets a full PP recovery.
When eaten, you recover about 300 HP and 50 PP.

Lucky sandwich ラッキーサンド
Lucky Sandwich
Exact amount depends on your Luck stat. Onett, Twoson, Burglin Park, Threed, Winters, Fourside, Toto
It helps you recover your power... How much and what you exactly recover depends on your luck!

Magic pudding マジックプリン
Magic Pudding
40PP Magicant
Recovers about 40 PP.

Magic tart マジックタルト
Magic Tart
20PP Summers
Recovers about 20 PP.

Magic truffle }マジックトリフ
Magic Truffle
A dream-like delicacy that is said to grow at the base of trees in wet, muddy places. It restores about 80 PP.

PSI caramel サイコキャラメル
PSI Caramel
Replenishes 20 PP.
Name Japanese Status restored Price Additional effects Where to buy

Cold remedy かぜぐすり
Cold Medication
Cold Onett, Happy Happy Village, Threed, Fourside
This is the most effective thing to take when you catch a cold.

Chick ヒヨコ
Homesickness Hatches from a Fresh egg. After a while, it becomes a Chicken.
A chick that just hatched.

Cup of Lifenoodles いのちのうどん
Life Noodles
Most Status Ailments Also heals unconsciousness to 100% of max HP.
Revives a friend who is unconscious. In addition, it also works well on poison, nausea, colds, sunstroke, falling asleep, uncontrollable crying, and feeling strange. This is effective when you have paralysis, or you have been diamondized.

Hand-Aid ハンドエイド
A hand-made Band Aid. It heals your wounded body. Gone after one use.

Horn of life いのちのつのぶえ
Horn of Life
Most Status Ailments Also heals unconsciousness to 25% of max HP. Saturn Valley, Lost Underworld
Revives a friend who is unconscious. In addition, it also works well on poison, nausea, colds, sunstroke, falling asleep, uncontrollable crying, and feeling strange. This is effective when you have paralysis, or when you have been diamondized.

Refreshing herb すっきりハーブ
Refreshing Herb
Most Status Ailments Happy Happy Village, Threed, Saturn Valley, Dusty Dunes Desert, Fourside
It helps when you have been poisoned, or you are feeling nauseous. It also has other uses... colds, sunstroke, falling asleep, uncontrollable crying, and feeling strange.

Secret herb うらカンポー
Secret Kanpo
Most Status Ailments Dr. Andonuts' Lab, Saturn Valley, Scaraba, Deep Darkness
May revive a friend who is unconscious. In addition, it also works well on poison, nausea, colds, sunstroke, falling asleep, uncontrollable crying, and feeling strange. This is effective when you have paralysis, or when you have been diamondized.

Vial of serum けっせい
Poison Threed, Scaraba
This is the best thing to take when you get poisoned.

Wet towel ぬれタオル
Wet Towel
Sunstroke Dusty Dunes Desert, Scaraba
It's great for those times that you get sunstroke.


Fresh egg
Artwork of some Fresh eggs from the EarthBound Player's Guide.
Artwork of some Pizza from the Mother 2 Player's Guide.
Artwork of a Hamburger from the Mother 2 Player's Guide.
Kraken Soup
Artwork of some Kraken soup from the EarthBound Player's Guide.
Adult Drink
Artwork of an adult drink from the Mother 2 Player's Guide.
The bananas displayed at the self-service stand in Happy Happy Village.
Fresh egg
The eggs displayed at the self-service stand in Happy Happy Village.

Items of the EarthBound series
EarthBound Beginnings
Battle itemsCapsulesEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery itemsStatus boosters
Battle itemsBroken itemsCapsulesEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery items (condiments) • Status boosters
Mother 3
Battle itemsEquippable itemsKey itemsMiscellaneous itemsRecovery items