
From WikiBound, your community-driven EarthBound/Mother wiki
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Use the form below to upload files.

To view or search previously uploaded files go to the list of uploaded files, (re)uploads are also logged in the upload log, deletions in the deletion log.

To include a file in a page, use a link in one of the following forms:

  • [[File:File.jpg]] to use the full version of the file
  • [[File:File.png|200px|thumb|left|alt text]] to use a 200 pixel wide rendition in a box in the left margin with "alt text" as description
  • [[Media:File.ogg]] for directly linking to the file without displaying the file

Other guidelines

  • Before uploading an image, check to see if it already exists to avoid uploading a duplicate file. If the image is intended to replace an older image, only upload a new file if it has a different file type (e.g. the new file is .png but the original is .jpg). Otherwise upload a new version of the original file.
  • Please use the File template while uploading. The template page has the full documentation of how to use this file, but the parameters are as follows:
    • game= What game is it from? If not from any game, do not add anything.
    • description= Describe what the image is showing.
    • type= Use a type that best correlates with what the image contains. This will automatically categorize the file in conjunction with the game parameter. A full list can be found here, but popular options include: screenshot, icon, artwork, render, box art, and audio.
    • meta= The same as type, but will not categorize according to game. The list of options is the same as the type list. This should primarily be used for files related to the wiki itself. Some meta tags include: system, user, miiverse, and wiki.
    • source= This is the most important parameter to fill out! This explains the origin of who the image came from. If the file was captured/extracted/taken by yourself, use "self" here. If by another user on the wiki, use "user" and fill the parameter below. For files taken from other platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, or a Nintendo website, this is the place to leave a URL Hyperlink. All files must be sourced or they will face deletion.
    • user= This parameter is unlikely to be used often, but should be included with the name of the user for any meta=user or source=user cases.
    • license= This will automatically default to fair use, but if an alternate license needs to be utilized such as GFDL, Creative Commons, or Public Domain, this is what to use to switch it.
  • When uploading a new version of a file, the change may not immediately be visable. If this happens don't assume the upload failed. It takes time for the site/browser to refresh and the change can take a while to become visable. You may also need to perform a hard refresh (by holding Ctrl or ⌘ while pressing the refresh button/key) in order to see the change.